Protection of Layout-Designs of Integrated Circuits Act, B.E. 2543 (2000)

Protection of Layout-Designs of Integrated Circuits Act, B.E. 2543 (2000)


Given on the 4th Day of May B.E. 2543;

Being the 55th Year of the Present Reign.

His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej is graciously pleased to proclaim that:

Whereas it is expedient to have a law on protection of layout-designs of integrated circuits;

Whereas it is aware that this Act contains certain provisions in relation to the restriction of rights and liberties of persons, in respect of which section 29, in conjunction with section 48 and section 50 of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand so permit by virtue of law;

Be it, therefore, enacted by the King, by and with the advice and consent of the National Assembly, as follows.

Section 1 This Act shall be cited as the “Protection of Layout-Designs of Integrated Circuits Act, B.E. 2543 (2000)”.

Section 2 This Act shall enter into force after the expiration of ninety days as from the date of its publication in the Government Gazette.

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